Saturday, May 28, 2011

شعار هاي سياسي و ن‍‍ژادپرستانه تماشاگران ژاپني عليه قطبي

Jubilo Iwata Supporters in Terrorist Race Slur Towards Afshin Ghotbi

BarryBarry writes:

You know one of the many things I like about the J. League? The ability to have a good, healthy rivalry between teams without the off field problems or political tensions of certain rival showdowns around the world.

Well, take a bow Jubilo Iwata supporters. Some of your ranks succeeded in dragging this year's Shizuoka Derby into the gutter with a truly foul display of racist stereotyping.

"Ghotbi, stop making nuclear weapons!"

Afshin Ghotbi was born in Iran and moved to America as a child. Not that any of this should have anything to do with anything, of course. To most people in Nihondaira today it didn't. But a small group of Iwata supports clearly though it such an issue to spend the time effort and money to make the above banner.

Think for a moment how this looks to the world. A man of Iranian heritage comes to Japan to work, and within months is labelled on national TV as a terrorist. Of course, nobody thinks for a minute that those Jubilo fans actually believe that, but to be making such displays of race discrimination so freely and without any shame is simply abhorrent.

The banner sparked a near riot as large numbers of the S-Pulse supports were so incensed as to run the entire length of the stadium to confront and demand the flag. To my mind they were 100% justified in their actions and deserve applause for not letting this pass without words.

The banner incited violent confrontations

The livid home fans didn't leave the away end for half an hour. I hear the Iwata supporters responsible were apprehended. They deserve to be banned from J. League stadiums for life for bringing shame to one of the oldest derby fixtures in the J. League, and inciting angry brawls that endangered women and children in the crowd. Punches were thrown, flags torn down and a whole lot of pushing and shoving. It may not sound much, but this is virtually unheard of in Japan, and just the type of thing that can turn hundreds of people off the game.

Incensed S-Pulse fans refused to leave the away end
Above and beyond this, what of Afshin Ghotbi himself? He comes to Japan to manage S-Pulse and gets vile racist abuse. Poor fella. What a welcome to the country. The message to the world today, for it is all over Twitter, is "Japan racially stereotypes with no shame." The J. League needs to come down on those responsible like a ton of bricks to show that this won't be tolerated.

One S-Pulse fan who joined the angry mob told me "It can't be allowed. It had to be challenged." One Jubilo supporter told me "It's fucking stupid." Yep, it is. It's foul and left a bad taste in the mouth. It's time for the J. League to act, and act swiftly.

Ghotbi - I'm so very, very sorry you had to see that. Not all Japanese people are racist idiots. Please don't take these wannabe hooligans' words to heart. You saw how our fans defended your honour - that is the majority of this country, and they simply won't stand for such disgusting behaviour and allow it to go unchallenged.

قطبي از ساختن بمب هسته اي دست بردار
با اينكه بازي شيميزو اس پالس مقابل جوبيلو ايواتا به تساوي بدون گل رسيد، اما قديمي ترين دربي هاي ژاپن براي افشين قطبي سرمربي ايراني تيم شيميزو حاشيه هايي را به همراه داشت. شعار سياسي بعضي تماشاگران تيم جوبيلو ايواتا نسبت به قطبي باعث شد تا تماشگران اسپالسي به واكنش متقابل بپردازند و مدتي فضاي ورزشگاه از كنترل خارج شود. شرح ماجرا را از بان يك بلاگر ژاپني كه در ورزشگاه حضور داشته است دنبال مي كنيم: (( به نظرمن مردم ژاپن، اهالي منطقه نيهوندايرا كه اين دربي براي آنهاست و حتي هواداران جوبيلو هيچ گاه به اين موضوع فكر نمي كنند كه وقت و پول خود را بگذارند تا پارچه نوشته درست كنند و آن اين عبارت ها را به قطبي نسبت دهند. هواداران ايواتا هم هيچ گاه از اين شعارهاي نژاد پرستانه استقبال نمي كنند و اين اقدامات را موجب شرمندگي مي دانند.)) او در بخش ديگر از وبلاگ خود اضافه مي كند: (( تعداد كمي از تماشاگران ايواتا پارچه نوشته اي با يك شعار ن‍‍ژ‍اد پرستانه به همراه داشتند كه رويش نوشته شده بود قطبي از ساخت بمب هسته اي دست بردار اما، بلافاصله هواداران اسپالس به اين موضوع واكنش نشان دادند و دويدند تا با عاملان اين حركت برخورد كنند. به همين دليل بين هواداران شيميزو اسپالس و آن بخش از هواداران جوبيلو ايواتا درگيري ايجاد شد. اتفاق كه معمولا در فوتبال ژاپن سابقه ندارد اما، اين بار 30 دقيقه به طول انجاميد و تماشاگران شيميزو حاضر به ترك جايگاهي كه اين پارچه نوشته در آن نصب شده بود نبودند.)) اين بلاگر ژاپني مي خبر مي دهد كه تماشاگران اين كشور به شدت با مسايلي كه آنها را نژاد پرست نشان دهد مخالف هستند و قطبي را مردي محترم مي دانند كه براي كار به ژاپن آمده است. پليس هم براي خاتمه اين درگيري وارد عمل شد و شنيدم كه عاملان اين اقدام نژادپرستانه هم توسط پليس دستگير شدند)). از سوي ديگر يك هوادار جوبيلو در پايان بازي گفت: (( اين حركت اشتباه احمقانه اي بود. وقت آن است كه مديران جي ليگ دخالت كنند.))به نظر مي رسد باشگاه جوبيلو ايواتا با محروميت سنگيني به خاطر استفاده از شعارهاي سياسي مواجه شود.

1 comment:

  1. Im an Iranian and I feel really happy to read your text. I am sure and certain that Japan is a great civilized nation and most people in Japan are making difference between people of a country and the politics. However, Ive been into few countries and I am also sad to tell you that we have seen such behavior many times from some people who always connect us with the dirty politics going on in my country.

    I wish at least us people can be better than our politicians and understand each other
